
לא תשתוק [מגזין פנימה] גיליון תמוז, תשפ"ב


תעודת ביטוח - שימור פוריות בחברה הדתית [דה מרקר] יולי, 2019


Open Your Hearts to Fertility Challenged Couples [Jerusalem Post] April 10, 2019


On This Chag Open Your Hearts To Infertility Challenged Couples [Times of Israel] April 10, 2019


Addressing the Emotional Pain of Infertility [Jewish Journal] August 24, 2018


The Opening of The Gefen Center [Jerusalem Post] June 2018


Celebrating 70 Extraordinary Women of Israel  [Times of Israel] April 19, 2018


Preserving Empowerment Keren Gefen’s newest initiative focuses on fertility preservation by Ariel Dominique Hendelman  [Jerusalem Post In Jerusalem] February 3, 2017

Fertility preservation is not common dinner ta- ble conversation. In fact, it’s fairly taboo to talk about it anywhere, but a new series of workshops from Keren Gefen, the renowned organization providing support for women undergoing fertility treatment, is aiming to change that and shed some light on the subject with the Fertility Preservation Workshops.

מגזין משפחה אנגלית אוגוסט 2015


כשגוף ונפש משתפים פעולה [מגזין היריון ולידה של הדסה- מצורף ל"כל העיר"] מאי 2015

הדרך אל ההריון הנכסף מעלה לעיתים קושי, היכול ללוות את האישה לטווח קצר או להימשך לתקופה ארוכה יותר. הבוחרות לצעוד במסלול טיפולי הפוריות עוברות תהליך לא פשוט, לעיתים מאתגר ובוודאי כזה המשפיע עליהן, על בני הזוג ועל הסובבים אותם – בכל היבטי החיים

Relax, Stretch, Birth by Wendy Elliman [Hadassah Magazine] February/March 2015

Rimon’s outreach begins in Hadassah’s IVF waiting room... “I tell them: ‘You are going through a very hard process. It is normal to feel stressed. We can help.’ I give even those with no interest—as yet!—in joining a support group my phone number, urging them to call me ‘if you want to talk or just to have a good cry.’ I validate what they are feeling.”...by the end of the conversation many agree to come to one of Rimon’s mind-body therapy or yoga groups. “They find it really makes a difference,” says Friedman. “Once these women get through the support door, we try not only to help them get pregnant but also to remind them that their life and marriage are about more than pregnancy...


Does Israel really need new elections? — So Much to Say with Ilene Prusher [TLV1] December 02, 2014 Radio interview from 45:13

"The IVF revolution should focus on psychological support[...] Dr. Karen Freedman, Director of the Karen Geffen [sic] Foundation and of the Rimon Center at Hadassah Hospital, which provides mind body therapy for women going through fertility treatments, says that although Israel offers more free IVF per capita than anywhere else in the world, its funding for psychological support is poor. Stress and depression can be major causes of IVF failure so addressing this could improve the success rate dramatically."

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Direct link to interview, courtesy TLV1


New IVF policy has Israeli women worried about being left behind [Haaretz] February 21, 2014

"It adds a lot of stress right now, and we know that increasing stress decreases fertility,' says Dr. Karen Friedman, who knows Gila through Rimon – the Mind Body Fertility Center at Hadassah University Hospital, Mount Scopus, which she heads. Friedman, a psychologist, cofounded the center to help support women undergoing fertility treatments..."


 The Road to Good News [משפחה] December 24, 2013

"Karen Friedman is a very gentle woman, but when she sits in her clinic at Rimon Mind-Body Fertility Center on Mount Scopus, talking with childless women who have come for encouragement and advice, you discover that she is full of energy and she has the ability to give these women the strength they need so much. 

This is precisely why she founded the center, whose goal is to offer women... "


Center Takes a Holistic Approach to Fertility [Kaleidoscope] November 11, 2013

"As a cognitive behavioral therapist and the mother of eight children with a 10-year gap between the first six and the youngest twins, Dr. Karen Friedman understands both the joy of motherhood and the stress of infertility. She also knows that studies at Harvard and UCLA have shown that reducing stress increases the chances of pregnancy in unexplained infertility Cases."